
Because nobody likes a noob user. Educate yourself and be an better user like me, wooshing through life with all these productivity tips and app recommendations.

How to Fix ADB Not Discovering Your Android Device on the Mac

Unlike iOS development where XCode knows all devices it should test on (because Apple monopolized all iOS supported devices), the Android Development Toolkit doesn't know all Android devices in the wild so it needs a bit more tweaking. If running adb devices doesn't list your USB-connected Android device, don't fret. There's a fix for that. Here's how to do it on the Mac:

Lazy site search with wget

I have a problem. I'm very lazy. It might be obvious by now. I had a problem compiling 's jailbreak tweak. When I try to run make, I get an error that '/apl/tel/exec.sh' could not be found. After following the , I still had the same problem. There was still no '/apl/tel' directory on my machine. Jailbreak tweak noob dev exlaims... What in tarnations?

A Benefit of Keeping Track of My Expenses

I've been using  for almost a year and religiously jotting in my expenses and earnings. There are some I forgot to put in but around 98% are accounted for. I'm trying to be money-OC like that. I will write a review about it soon and how it's worth paying for.

A benefit I want to talk about right now is spending history. I was looking through my pseudo dive logs and looking at the number of dives, it felt off. I have a dedicated monthly budget for diving in CoinKeeper and I try not to overspend it. But I spent 200% of the budget in Malapascua and an anticipated over-budget in another upcoming trip so my dive expense for the month of February is a broken promise :))


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