radj's blog

RCBlockedCell: Putting UITableViewCell definition and action together with blocks


I've been recently been working with the UITableView and UITableViewController subclasses. It is an annoyance to maintain two methods that will define what will show up in the table cell and what happens if that table cell is selected.

Imagine having more 10 cells with varying behavior per cell. OK, you coded that. Now, you have to rearrange the order of the cells. Of course, you can use an enum but still, you have to look at two places to determine how the cell is defined and what happens if it is selected. You're gonna have to keep your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: methods in sync all the time.

Radj Tries Travelling... on Medium!

Because it's the year of the horse and I've got the wanderlust bug crawling in my hair. Pictures or it didn't happen, you say? Well, I didn't build my blog (and pay enough to host too many pics) so I used a separate (and as usual, free) platform instead which I really enjoy writing on. It's pretty easy to use, and the photo layouting options are pretty nifty. I hope they don't after I make too many posts on it. That will make me pull all the few hair strands left under my arms just to numb the pain.

How to Fix ADB Not Discovering Your Android Device on the Mac

Unlike iOS development where XCode knows all devices it should test on (because Apple monopolized all iOS supported devices), the Android Development Toolkit doesn't know all Android devices in the wild so it needs a bit more tweaking. If running adb devices doesn't list your USB-connected Android device, don't fret. There's a fix for that. Here's how to do it on the Mac:

Lazy site search with wget

I have a problem. I'm very lazy. It might be obvious by now. I had a problem compiling 's jailbreak tweak. When I try to run make, I get an error that '/apl/tel/exec.sh' could not be found. After following the , I still had the same problem. There was still no '/apl/tel' directory on my machine. Jailbreak tweak noob dev exlaims... What in tarnations?

Removing duplicates from SMS Backup & Restore XML backup

Okay, this isn't a review of . I'll make a review for it later. Promise.

I've been using this app to backup all my SMS. Wanna take a guess at how many SMS messages I have backed up right now? 30,000? Go higher. 50,000? Higher. I have over 70,000 SMS entries in my backup. And that's after using this clean up Python script I made to filter out duplicates!


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